Research request and access:
To access the eMPowerED PSS Research Portal, please contact the following:Dr. Boni Pangelinan, Senior Director of Accountability, Research and Evaluation (ARE)
Femie Rey, ARE Research and Evaluation Program Manager

Training & Support Resources:
Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) BlankRestricted Use Data Agreement (RUDA) Sample
eMPowerED PSS Data Dictionary (Metadata)
eMPowerED PSS Portal User Guide
Training Videos:
eMPowerED PSS Training - Portal Introduction: An introduction to the myResearch Researcher Portal website.
eMPowerED PSS Steps 1-4: Provides an overview of creating your account, adding additional team members to your research purpose, providing information on your research purpose and submitting your project for approval.
eMPowerED PSS Steps 5-6: Provides an overview of providing information necessary for your Restricted Use Data Agreement (RUDA), selecting data elements from the Data Dictionary and Selection Tool (DDST), and submitting your RUDA for approval.
eMPowerED PSS Steps 8-9: Provides an overview of Data Package submission process.
eMPowerED PSS Steps 10-12: Provides an overview of downloading your data results, submitting research purpose documents for review and/or approval, and requesting to conclude your research purpose.
Understanding the Data: An advanced look at the data results file structure.
COMING SOON in 2025! Our Research Portal is being revamped.

Digital Research Request Form Coming Soon in 2025!
Data Destruction Assurance Form can be submitted electronically.
Destroy all data and provide verification in writing of the destruction of all copies of the data
obtained under this Agreement to the CNMI PSS 6 months after the research described in
this MOA concludes, or this MOA terminates, whichever occurs first. Nothing in this
agreement authorizes either party to maintain data beyond the time period reasonably needed
to complete the purpose of the request. All data no longer needed shall be destroyed or
returned to the CNMI PSS in compliance with 34 CFR Section 99.35(b)(2). The Requesting
Entity agrees to require all employees, contractors, or agents of any kind to comply with this
provision, and maintain a formal, documented processes for the data destroyed.