PSS collects student data to monitor and improve student learning and school progress. Student data is also used for federal and local reporting requirements. PSS collects data on demographics, enrollment, attendance, grades, special programs, assessment, course information, scheduling, graduation, and dropout rates.
PSS also collects data to provide services to students and staff for federal and local reporting purposes. A growing list of the data elements and its definitions can be found on our Ed-Fi CNMI Data Dictionary.
Public Reports
School Report Card
The School Report Card is an accountability system built from an overall measure of school performance, the reporting of this overall measure and its components, and actions that are tied to a school’s score on this overall measure. The School Report Card displays that school’s performance on indicators recommended by the accountability task force. PSS combines indicators of academic achievement, academic growth, progress in achieving English language proficiency, attendance, and graduation (graduation for high schools only). Users can search to see the reports for any school.
Facts & Figures
The annual Facts & Figures Report is prepared by PSS Accountability, Research and Evaluation office through the Office of Records & Data Management in collaboration with data stewards and records custodians from schools, programs and offices. Facts and figures are compiled to provide a snapshot of schools, programs and offices.
Click on the double sided arrow on bottom right corner of report to view in full screen. Use the arrows < and > to move through the 8 report pages.
Academic Achievement
The Academic Achievement Report is a collaboratively-authored report that includes the most densely detailed results for PSS, allowing individuals to quickly analyze the learning outcomes in the district at the highest level to ensure appropriate benchmarking and the ability to assess performance levels and trends over time, with the ability to segment that data by relevant grade levels, disciplines, and subgroups. Monitoring and measuring “learning results” within PSS is paramount to our learning cycles and improving of our educational approach through curriculum, instruction, and assessment efforts, as well as the differentiation and intervention necessary for learners of all abilities and varied backgrounds to succeed.
Click on the double sided arrow on bottom right corner of report to view in full screen. Use the arrows < and > to move through the 9 report pages.
Role-based Access Internal Reports
PSS collects data for federal reporting purposes. EDFacts is a U.S. Department of Education (ED) initiative to collect, analyze, and promote the use of high-quality, pre-kindergarten through grade 12 data. The Generate tool aggregates PSS data and produces EDFacts submission files. These reports are accessed by our EdFacts Non-Fiscal Designee and Part B IDEA Data & Compliance Manager who generate mandated federal reports.
Administrative Dashboard
The Administrative Dashboard was created for central program staff and school administrators. The Admin Dashboard provides a snapshot or real-time overview from all of PSS’s data sources. Administrators can view various visualizations and analyses on students, staff, academic achievement, finances, and school health. Access to these internal reports include principals and vice-principals of each school and program directors and program managers at PSS central office to make data-driven decisions and policies.
Early Warning System
To help improve early literacy achievement, PSS solicited support from the IES-funded Research Educational Laboratory (REL) Pacific to develop an early warning system (EWS) in reading to identify students at risk of not reading proficiently by grade 3. The EWS applies predictive analytics to student data to determine the level of student risk in relation to early warning indicators and thresholds. The early warning indicators are attendance, behavior, English Language Arts (ELA) and Math coursework, Star Reading assessment performance, retention and school mobility. The EWS dashboard will be used by school administrators, school counselors, classroom teachers including Title 1, ELL and SPED teachers. EWS 2.0 launched in January 2024 now includes secondary schools. Users of the EWS can click on the respective link for the EWS Platform User Manual 2.1 and EWS Login Issue Checklist within Infinite Campus.
Learn how to login to the EWS web platform.
Learn more about our EWS solution by watching this video.
Learn more about research based interventions.
Early Learning
The Early Learning web app is a solution for collaboration of data amongst several programs: Early Intervention, Special Education, and Early Head Start & Head Start.